Sunday, December 21, 2008
The Calm Between Two Storms: Osho Winter Celebration!
Friends, just a day after what could be one of the worst storms of the year for Ontario, the Osho Winter Celebration in Toronto was a huge success!! The energy in the room was certainly overflowing and the silence was penetrating. People merged and melted, went as IN as they could go, and celebrated madly.
The space was very comfortable, spacious and relaxing, thanks to Labspace Studio.
Osho Books and CDs were on sale, so friends could dive deeper into Osho after the program. The highlight of the program was definatley Osho Nataraj Meditation where everyone completely dissolved into the dance. The program ended with Osho Kundalini Meditation and a short celebration, so friends could dance their way home before the storm hit again!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Osho Winter Celebration in Toronto Dec 20th, 2008 (Full-Day Workshop)
This full-day meditation workshop will feature Osho Dynamic Meditation, Osho Kundalini Meditation and Osho No-Mind Meditation.
The entire day will be dedicated to going deeper and deeper into meditation, and will be celebrating a belated Osho birthday (Dec. 11th.)
Registration Required
When: Saturday, December 20th, 2008
9am to 6pm (RSVP required)
Where: Labspace Studios,
2A Pape Ave (Pape & Eastern Ave, M4M 2V6), Toronto
Fee: $30.00 (Includes lunch and dinner)
Contact: Amrito, e: m: 519-841 9266
or h:519 341 1807
MAP of venue:
View Larger Map
Monday, November 3, 2008
A New Look for Maulshree Osho Meditation Center!
Osho's energy keeps building every week with our ongoing meditation celebration in each one of the centers.
A very beautiful Osho discourse was played during the meditation event. It featured Osho responding to questions from the international press, and along with the interviewer, everyone melted by the end of it.
We enjoyed a fantastic Nataraj Meditation following a celebration and dinner. If you are in the Toronto area (downtown and around), this meditation center is just minutes away from the Kipling Subway stop.
Come meditate, celebrate and elevate !
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Ofcourse there's no shepherd and sheep game going on with Osho here, just a gratitude for his emmense contribution to the growth of human consciousness. Having more spaces available for people to dive deeper into their own beings is tremendously beneficial for the world, for its environment and its survival. Only with more conscious human beings, more loving, more joyous and more celebrative, can existence continue on. So come join us in dance, harmony and silence every week at different meditation centers!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Guru Kripa OSHO Meditation Center
With hardwood floors and a spacious atmosphere, Guru Kripa Osho Meditation Center is very good for active meditations.
Only a few blocks from major Brampton streets, its at a good location for those who want to do one of Osho's most groundbreaking meditation techniques. Swami Sukhminder and Ma Neetu run the meditation center with love and sincerity.
Sw Sukhminder & Ma Neetu
146 Treeline Blvd BramptonON L6P-1E7
(416) 509-9555 , (905) 794-2907
Jagaran OSHO Meditation Center
Anu Ma has been Osho's desciple for more than 30 years and hold's rare items given by Osho. The presence of very rare and old Osho books adds another energy field to the space.
Every fourth Saturday of the month, a meditation celebration is held at Jagaran Osho Meditation Center. Many of these meditations will include Nadhabrahma, Gourishankar, Chakra Sounds and many other more passive techniques devised by Osho.
Ma Anu
Apt 1007 10 Malta Ave.
Brampton, Ontario
(905) 455-9380
Madhuban OSHO Meditation Center
Weekly meditations are held at Madhuban Osho Meditation Center in Guelph Ontario. The space of a meditation center makes available an opportunity to go within. The buddha-field can spread out and help many...
Listening to an Osho discourse, doing an active meditation than finishing with a celebration is the weekly meditation activity.
The first Sunday of every month, the entire sannyas group from the Greater Toronto Area is invited formally for a meditation. Locally, meditations are open every week for those interested.
Swami Dhyan Amrit
262 Auden Rd Guelph
ON N1E 6R3
(519) 841-9266
Maulshree OSHO Meditation Center
The recent meditation held there was just amazing, with Osho Kundalini Meditation to hearing one of Osho's discourses and than finally letting-go in celebration.
Minutes away from Maulshree Osho Meditation center is Lake Ontario, and sometimes during full moon nights, the meditation heads to the side of the lake. The center is in the perfect location!
Ma Udgaya
73 10th st, Toronto,
ON M8V-3E9
(416) 252-2484
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
4 New Osho Meditation Centers
A meditation center can be the pillar for inner growth to many people. The environment, availability and vibe all have a positive impact on meditation, stress-relief and life-affirmative attitudes.
In one month, all 4 meditation centers will meet every week in a different center. For example, the first Sunday, everyone is invited to Madhuban Osho Meditation Center. The second Sunday, Guru Kripa Osho Meditation Center in Brampton, the third, Maulshree Osho Meditation Center in Toronto and the fourth Jagaran Osho Meditation Center in Brampton.
(click on center for more info)
Osho Meditation Center,
Sw Sukhminder & Ma Neetu
146 Treeline Blvd Brampton
ON L6P-1E7
(416) 509-9555, (905) 794-2907
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Osho Meditation Camp Pictures
Osho Ontario is slowing becomming a reality with 3 new meditation centers inaugurated by Swami Anand Arun, more details comming soon!!
The camp was full of energy as hour by hour, a different layer was unveiled.
About 45 participants were present for the camp and more followed during White Robe on both nights.
Sw. Anand Arun shared many stories about Osho which brought tears to those who were hearng about him for the first time !
For more camp pics see here:Friday, July 11, 2008
Meditation Brampton July 19 with Anu Ma
All the spots to the meditation at Anu Ma's have been booked for Saturday, July 19, but I will post pictures about the event after.
We will be continuing groups on a regular basis as well in the month of August.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
July: Meditation Program with Sw. Anand Arun (before camp)
Sw. Anand Arun, has been in the Osho scene since the early 1970s, responsible for organazing meditation camps in isolated areas of India such as Bihar. Rapidly as ever, Bihar, became one of Osho's largest sannyas centers in India. At the same time, Sw. Arun, a native of Nepal, started a meditation center in Kathmandu., Tahachal.
Osho Asheesh Meditation Center, was the first of its kind in Nepal and no one could have ever guessed, a regular two-storey house, could pave the path for over 50 000 people doing Osho Meditations in Nepal.
Critics of Sw. Anand Arun have never doubted the fact he is a tremendous inspirer for many people, and like him or not, he makes things happen. His love for Osho and meditation is quite evident nonetheless, no matter how many critics will criticize the way he spreads the fragrance of Osho.
Osho Tapoban, is a lush green meditation center surrounded by the beautiful Nagarjun Hills. These hills were at one time the sacred place for one of Buddha's disciples, Nagarjuna, who is said to have become enlightened on the exact grounds as Tapoban. How such an exquisite site was discovered to build an Osho Meditation Center is a mystery to be solved. A little piece of it however, does involve Sw. Anand Arun's persistence.
Recently I have been to Osho Tapoban, just outside of Kathmandu, 2 years back. It was my first glimpse of an Osho Meditation Center.
It was an absolute delight during both of my meditation camps in Tapoban, and gratitude towards Osho and his vision were incomprehensible. I also respect Sw. Anand Arun's committment to make this place flourish and become Nepal's utmost revered spiritual sites.
Although, as a unique individual, as Osho wanted all sannyasins to be, I cannot absolutely agree with Sw. Anand Arun in all that he does. In fact, Sw. Anand Arun advised those listening to him not to just follow whatever he says as absolute, which is commendable on his part. However, I certainly respect his perseverance. His simplicity in matters such as advising those to run meditation centers and keeping an economically sufficient space for meditation is fabulous. And never in my eyes has he claimed his enlightenment, something most so called gurus can't resist. His opinions about other meditation centers such as the Osho Meditation Resort in Pune, I don't agree with.
Nevertheless, having met him in Nepal 2 years back, he is quite an inspiring man. Running one of Nepal's top engineering firms as well as spreading meditation, can only be described as Osho's New Man: Zorba the Buddha.
Please join us for all of our meditation activities these comming weeks and meet this remarkable man!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Beautiful Celebration and New Beginning to Osho Ontario
Monday, February 25, 2008
Active Meditation to Stillness
Each individual has different needs and is a unique individuality, hence the tremendous emphasis on so many different methods. However, ultamately, the technique must dissappear and only meditation should be left over.
This word "meditation" is not something which can be explained, rather only indicated. These meditation techniques are modern gateways. There is no method for stillness or the experience of the beyond, thus every Osho Active Meditation leaves a 15-20 minute period of absolute silence at the end which left without any method. It is simply cleaning the house and inviting the guest.
When the guest comes is uncontrollable.
We will be experimenting with many of Osho's meditation techniques in the Osho Meditation Centers and alternating between very active techniques like Osho Kundalini Meditation to more subtle active techniques like Osho Nadhabrahma Meditation.
For more info on Osho Meditations visit here.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Meditation Cancelled Saturday Feb 9 in Mississauga
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Space is an important function of creating a meditative atmosphere, not only to meditate in, but just to live life in. Here is what Osho has to say about space ( ),
"Existence is so spacious that it allows you absolute freedom to be whatsoever you want to be, whatsoever you have the capacity to be. "It allows you an unhindered space to grow and to blossom. It does not impose anything on you." -Osho
"Understanding light: light creates space, so in design look to create a canvas for its dance of energy - for both the natural and the man-made light." - Osho
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Osho Celebration Jan 19 in Guelph!
Meditation Schedule
(Disourse, Dance and Active Meditation)
(Confirmation Required)
Madhuban Osho Meditation Center
Every Sunday
(Kundalini, Nadhabrahma or Nataraj Meditation)
(Confirmation Required)
Madhuban Osho Meditation Center
(Disourse, Dance and Active Meditation)
(Confirmation Required)
Jagaran Osho Meditation Center
Saturday, September 12: 6pm-10pm
(Discourse, Meditation and Celebration)
Confirmation Required
Osho Maulshree Meditation Center
...AND Enjoy the Buddha-Field!
Osho Meditation Links
Copyright© 2009, Osho International Foundation