Saturday, January 12, 2008

Osho Celebration Jan 19 in Guelph!

Celebrate, meditate and elevate this Saturday, Jan 19th, in Guelph for an Osho Celebration. It will be a beautiful event and is a continuation of Sadhana Meditation Acitivity (which also happens in Mississauga) and we invite those interested to get in contact with Amrito ASAP (

The Sadhana Deep Meditation Home (not quite a center--but a home where meditation happens!), in Guelph, is simply a project to have a meditation spot, somewhere in Ontario. It is there to host meditation events from time to time and is open to meditators who book an appointment before hand, to get involved in further meditations. It is merely an excuse for myself (Amrito) to do more meditation in this space and share it with others.

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