Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Highlights from the Osho Spring Festival!

What a Day of total Celebration!
The Osho Silence Meditation Retreat was a tremendous success and there was enough energy in the room to take the roof off. The silence was penetrating, the dance was contagious, eyes were closed & hearts were opened. Osho's various meditation techniques were introduced along with his discourses, but most importantly, His energy. Osho is the energy & fragrance of an enlightened master opening the doors to all the Buddhas of the past, the present and those to come. An energy saying AWAKE AWAKE AWAKE....
A similar two-day meditation workshop called Osho Awareness Intensive with Ma Dharm Jyoti is coming soon in June! Please register soon to book your spot!
The next week the Osho Spring Festival took to the spring waters of Lake Ontario.

Celebration on the Lake!
Osho Maulshree Meditation Center held a shorter meditation event the following week after the Osho Silence Meditation Retreat. Osho Chakra Sounds Meditation was done as well as a Zen Walk to the Lake (just a few minutes from the center). O Sadhana is planning on holding more and more events outdoors during the summer! The Osho Meditation Camp with Sw. Anand Arun is being held in the beautiful natural setting of Northumberland Heights in Cobourg, Ontario. The chance to experience meditation in full-bloom with a fresh breeze, morning mist, intense sun as well as the moon & the stars will be during that, so don't miss out (Register soon!)

See all the pictures here.

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