Monday, June 18, 2007


Sannyas is something which is beyond logic. It is a step into the world and sky of Osho, where logical means end into complete oblivion. It is a concious commitment to the path, the pathless path, the Tao, god, existence, love, bliss, no-mind...bla bla bla....

While becomming aware of what Sannyas used to be, before Osho, and what it turned into, with Osho, and what it is now, after Osho: I see a change happening exponentially. While traditional Sannyas implied a restricted lifestyle and a code of ethics, Osho brought "Neo Sannyas", a completely opposite way of taking life. Spirituality was to be expanded through all channels of experience, including sex, love, finance, beauty and many more luxuries.

Yet with such dynamism and modern insight, Osho still insisted on the orange robe and mala for 3 quarters of his movement! Clash? Indeed. Yet, perfect.
Osho challenged us to our own self-imagery and began deconstructing with Sannyas. How can one even concieve of learning if they are not ready to be wrong and exposed? Many things Osho says can fit within our understanding, but what about that which you disagree with? Is he telling you to agree in the first place, or wanting you to drop both (agreeing and disagreeing)? How can we even move an inch with out letting go of the walls (slowly crumbling anways)?

Yet soon when Osho saw that even his outter symbols, meant to destroy conditionings, became a conditioning itself, he let-go. Now the same effect was happening in reverse with people who became comfortable with all their toys, nevertheless remaining as dumb as they were. So where to go from here, without any distinction from the outside of who a sannyasin is or not?

Osho finally left Sannyas as a responsibility of oneself, to create oneself. And this, and thus, is the new age of sannyas: a complete freedom to choose. It is still no less a surrender as it used to be, but perhaps even greater. Now without the influence of the masses Osho travelled with, the urge to find oneself and become a sannyasin is not influentially brought about. Intrinsically people will have to decide to take the jump, and this jumping board will probably be more flexible than ever.

Sannyas, if taken as an individual seeker, can help protect us from the deepest ditch of spiritual growth: the spiritual ego. When we think we know: we never do, yet try to convince others moreso. Shut up and listen--and listen well, because only this music can transend time. Who cares about convincing and influencing others when we gain nothing but a big fat ego (a doube big mac!) and become spiritually obese? Never...

So if you didn't enjoy this piece, mehh, life goes on till the break of don.
Sannyas celebration this Saturday June 23rd. at Mississauga. Come, enjoy, sit and meditate, celebrate and leave.
