Saturday, June 28, 2008

Beautiful Celebration and New Beginning to Osho Ontario

As Osho Ontario takes another move into the unknown, it was celebrated ecstatically by Osho Lovers in the Unity Church of Mississauga, the last event at the location. It was a beautiful moment for all the people in the room.
Osho's presence and flow, lightened and was felt by all the hearts in the room. Some described the event as something they remember in Pune at the Osho International Meditation Resort.
As Osho Ontario moves ahead to expand and find a growth center closer to more and more people, risks are inevitable. To understand Osho, in every step there's uncertainty, hence, every step is joyous. This was re-emphasised during Osho's discourse from "Ancient Music of the Pines", where Osho says "we are not here to become a commodity", but to expand our creative potential. Life isn't about becomming better machines, but spectacular, ecstatic, joyous, alive human beings.