Saturday, January 19, 2008


The meditation in Guelph....absolutely a delight. An ambience that filled the room with silence, celebration, and the culmination of both: meditation. Osho Nadhabrahma Meditation vibrated the air, enhanced awareness and fueled further celebration.

Space is an important function of creating a meditative atmosphere, not only to meditate in, but just to live life in. Here is what Osho has to say about space ( ),

"Existence is so spacious that it allows you absolute freedom to be whatsoever you want to be, whatsoever you have the capacity to be. "It allows you an unhindered space to grow and to blossom. It does not impose anything on you." -Osho

"Understanding light: light creates space, so in design look to create a canvas for its dance of energy - for both the natural and the man-made light." - Osho

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